Products from

Schmuttertaler Imkerei

Beekeeper, Langweid am Lech
Doro Stuhlmüller
Interested by Alcoholic beverages, sauces & food supplements in Bayern? Theses products are sold by Schmuttertaler Imkerei in Assemblies.

Alcoholic beverages

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Honig Balsamico Salatdressing

Food supplements

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Deutsche Blütenpollen, 125 gr.
Propolis, 20ml Tropfmontur
Propolis, 20ml, mit Pipette

Condiments & preserves

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Honigsenf, 100gr.
Honig Balsamico-Essig
Whisky-Barbecue-Marinade, 100gr.

Jams, honey, stewed fruits

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Honigkreation, Orange in Honig
Honigkreation, Ingwer in Honig
Honigkreation, Zimt in Honig 125gr.
Honigkreation, Vanille in Honig 125gr.
HandcremeLindesa classic gelb 50ml
Propolis - Creme 30ML
Propolis - Creme 50ML
Bienenwachs, Tafel ca. 85gr.
Bienenwachsbarren, ca. 33gr.
Bienenwachstuch 3er Set
Bienenwachstuch Brottuch ca. 42,5 x 46