Products from

Gustav Ritter -Neumühle-, Inh. Dirk Schmidt

Grain miller, Oil producer, Rennersdorf
Dirk Schmidt
Interested by Dried fruit, pastry & chocolate & confectionery in Sachsen? Theses products are sold by Gustav Ritter -Neumühle-, Inh. Dirk Schmidt in Assemblies.
Mandeln, fein gehackt
Zartbitter-Dinkelknusperwaffeln 200g
Vollmilch-Dinkel-Knusperwaffel 200g

Chocolate & Confectionery

Find points of sale
Zartbitter-Ingwer 200g
Rum-Ananas in Zartbitterschokolade 200g
Hafer 1kg

Coffee, tea and infusions

Find points of sale
Blütentraum Tee 100g
Mühlengrund Tee 100g

Condiments & preserves

Find points of sale
Leinöl 100ml
Rapsöl 500ml
Rapsöl 250ml
Hanföl 100ml

Cereals / Flour / Seeds

Find points of sale
Weizenmehl Type 405 1 kg
Haferkleie 500g
Suppennudeln 500g
Bandnudeln 6mm, 500g