Products from

MAXBEE Imkerei & Zeidlerei

Beekeeper, Berlin
Jan Liedtke
Interested by Syrups, food supplements & jams, honey, stewed fruits in Berlin? Theses products are sold by MAXBEE Imkerei & Zeidlerei in Assemblies.
Oxymel "stärke dich"
Oxymel "liebe dich"

Food supplements

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Oxymel OSTER-Angebot

Jams, honey, stewed fruits

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Sommerblüten mit Linde - Presshonig 150+ GOX
Frühlingsblüte - Presshonig 100+ GOX
Sommerblüten-Honig gepresst aus Naturwaben GOX 150+
Naturwabe in handgepresstem Akazien - Honig