Products from


Horticulturist, Chemnitz
Daniel Kühling
Interested by Herbs and plants, dried fruit & coffee, tea and infusions in Sachsen? Theses products are sold by Kühlingskraut in Assemblies.

Herbs and Plants

Find points of sale
Lindenblüten Tee
Aronia-Pulver aus Permakultur

Coffee, tea and infusions

Find points of sale
#6 Morgenrö -Tee - aus Permakultur
Thymian-Aromamix - aus Permakultur
Beifuß getrocknet - aus Permakultur
Hopfenzapfen - aus Permakultur

Condiments & preserves

Find points of sale
Balsam - Marien - Zucker
Kühlings - Kräuter - Olivenöl

Jams, honey, stewed fruits

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