Products from

Hof Bockhop

Jam maker, Asendorf
Hof Bockhop
Interested by Syrups, juices & alcoholic beverages in Niedersachsen? Theses products are sold by Hof Bockhop in Assemblies.
Erdbeer Sirup
Holunder Zitrone Ingwer
Holunderbeeren Saft

Alcoholic beverages

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Holundersaft aus eigenem Anbau
Holundersaft aus eigenem Anbau

Coffee, tea and infusions

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Früchtetee Holunder

Condiments & preserves

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Holunderbeeren Senf

Jams, honey, stewed fruits

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Zwetschge Aronia
Quitten Gelee
Schwarzes Johannisbeer Gelee
Erdbeer Fruchtaufstrich

Hampers and Baskets

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Marmelade 3er Set sortiert