Products from

Uli's Pasta

Preserves maker, Hainewalde
Ulrich Simmig
Interested by Soups and preserves, butter & cream & cheese in Sachsen? Theses products are sold by Uli's Pasta in Assemblies.

Soups and Preserves

Find points of sale
Manuela's indische Karottensuppe
Manuela's fruchtige Tomatensuppe
Manuela's Kartoffelsuppe

Butter & Cream

Find points of sale
Zitrone Rosmarin Butter
Grana Padano Riserva
Käse Grana Padano Riserva im Stück
vegane Bratensauce
Manuela's Bolognese vom Angusrind
Manuela's Salsa piccante

Cereals / Flour / Seeds

Find points of sale
Ravioli Bärlauch
Ravioli Ziegenfrischkäse
Ravioli Spinat/Ricotta
Ravioli "Italia"