Products from

ezzich Essigmanufaktur Rotella & Rotella GbR

Vinegar producer, Petersaurach
Daniela Rotella
Daniela Rotella started ezzich Essigmanufaktur Rotella & Rotella GbR in 2021. Their farm is located in Petersaurach, Bayern.

Their farm

Wir sind eine Essigmanufaktur im Ansbacher Landkreis und stellen handwerklich hergestellten und biozertifizierten Essig in aktuell 10 Sorten her.

ezzich ist die alte Schreibweise von Essig und auch unser Firmenmotto: traditionell hergestellter Essig, aber in neuem Gewand und kreativen neuen Sorten.

Wicklesgreuther Str. 2
91580 Petersaurach
Established in
full-time employee

ezzich Essigmanufaktur Rotella & Rotella GbR's professions and practices


I use my own premise

Base ingredient

Gärungsessig, Essigmutter

All the main ingredients I use are produced by myself

I use organic ingredients, I use products from a certified source, I use handmade ingredients, I use local products (-150 km)

Secondary ingredients

Verschiedene Früchte und Kräuter, Weine, Säfte

My ingredients come from an EU supplier, My ingredients come from a national supplier

I use organic ingredients, I use products from a certified source

Other ingredients

Other ingredients : not specified

Origin of other ingredients : not specified

Features of the other ingredients : not specified

This information has been declared by the Producer.